
卷曲乳杆菌 Lactobacillus crispatus 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0215 询价
副溶血弧菌 Vibrio parahaemolyticus 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0214 询价
脆弱拟杆菌 Bacteroides fragilis 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0213 询价
脆弱拟杆菌VPI 2553 [EN-2; NCTC 9343] Bacteroides fragilis (Veillon and Zuber) Castellani and Chalmers 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0212 询价
鲍曼不动杆菌 Acinetobacter baumannii Bouvet and Grimont 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0211 询价
流感嗜血杆菌 Haemophilus influenzae (Lehmann and Neumann) Winslow et al. 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0209 询价
假中间苍白杆菌 Ochrobactrum pseudintermedium 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0208 询价
埃希氏菌属 Escherichia sp. 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0207 询价
桃吉尔霉 Gilbertella persicaria 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0206 询价
Streptococcus shenyangsis Streptococcus shenyangsis 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0205 询价
博伊丁假丝酵母 Candida boidinii 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0204 询价
青霉属 Penicillium sp. 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0203 询价
诺维氏梭菌 Clostridium novyi (Migula) Bergey et al. 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0202 询价
阿拉斯加鞘氨醇盒菌 Sphingopyxis alaskensis 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0201 询价
香菇 Lentinus edodes 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0200 询价
碘短杆菌 Brevibacterium iodinum 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0199 询价
巴氏葡萄球菌 Staphylococcus pasteuri Chesneau et al. 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0198 询价
粉被虫草 Cordyceps pruinosa Petch 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0197 询价
非洲哈茨木霉 Trichoderma afroharzianum 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0195 询价
帚状曲霉 Aspergillus penicillioides 冻干粉 GOY-JZ0194 询价
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